About this learning unit.

COPA created this unique learning unit on our approach to positive parenting for parents and caregivers with funding provided by the Law Foundation of Ontario. Work at your own pace. It won’t take very long. The unit is a simple and easy-to-use tool that is divided into three sections.


    Explore everyday situations and ideas for responding positively. The scenarios are separated into three age groups.

    Find thoughts about related subjects (tantrums, discipline, bullying) and short personal essays sprinkled throughout the scenarios.

    Discover related resources and learn more about these topics.

More information.

Before you get started, read up on corporal punishment and why COPA promotes Empowerment Parenting.

HISTORY OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN CANADA. Nowadays we think of corporal punishment as something to do with children only, but over the course of history many groups were victims of physical punishment too; for example, prisoners, students, slaves, servants and wives.
WHAT IS CORPORAL PUNISHMENT? The Merriam Webster dictionary describes corporal punishment as “physical punishment that involves hitting, slapping, beating, pinching, spanking, paddling, yanking, jabbing, shoving, choking, ear-pulling, forcing a child to stay in a position that is painful over time, forcing a child to be in a frightening or uncomfortable space, denying access to bathroom, forcing a child to eat bad things—like soap or animal food, denying water and food".
WHAT IS LEGAL TODAY IN CANADA? COPA is opposed to the use of corporal punishment, promoting instead a vision and interventions that strengthen the rights of children. Our goal is to offer positive, practical strategies to young people and adults who care for them. These strategies are created to prevent harm and abuse, while building humane, equal and loving relations—with fantastic results for everyone. COPA believes that each and every person—no matter how young or old—has the right to be safe, strong and free.
WHY CHOOSE EMPOWERMENT PARENTING? Caring for children is so very hard. Parenting is perhaps the hardest job in the world. And made harder if we are managing problems—like not having enough money, working a difficult job, doing it without support—any time we have stresses like these, it is just that much harder to be loving, patient and understanding.